Ok guys Revival is rolling again! We just recorded a new show which will be up in the next 24 hours and we have much more planned. As I promised we are having Dave Paine come on the show to talk to us about what he has been up to – which I am sure a lot of you are exited about. This will be in the next two weeks as we want to give you guys some time to give us any questions you want us to ask. Here is a little note from Dave –
I still skate, I am engaged to a wonderful girl named Irene, I dj every weekend at the Air Conditioned Lounge here in LA (4 years residencey), and I am a Sr. Producer at Fuel TV (A 24 hours a day action sports channel from FOX) in charge of Events and Specials.
Keep your eyes on the site for lots to come, and if you want a question asking drop a comment on this post!
This post is tagged dave paine
What do you know about VG:ROOTS, starring Daniel Medovich? Not VG 20 Roots, different video.
is there any chance that old VGs will be available for purchase in a compilation or for free high quality download? all heritage videos should be seen by the younger generation.
What had rollerblading give you as a person?
What was the last Rollerblading video you saw? Where do you see Rollerblading videos going in the future since videographers are struggling to make money?
why dont you push to have rollerblading on fuel tv considering you work there? and why did you stop making vg
You are a living legend among rollerbladers. Thanks for everything you have done for rolling.
How do you feel that rollerblading has helped you in life. What I mean by that is, have you been able to apply lessons you learned somehow through skating to what you are doing in life now?
Are you considering getting back into making rollerblading videos? I think it would be neat to do another battle my crew type of deal so people can get an idea of other peoples scenes. Any other projects you have in the works right now?
Hi,It’s good to live is going well still, and getting married is pretty intense I will be wed in less than 2 mos… scary!!! I want to know if you still find time to roll around or hang with any of the guys with your current schedule, and when am I ever going to see rollerblading on that fuel network. I still have Bottom Line and VG 3, 6, and 7 after losing my coveted collection some years back.
Interviewer 1: one of the interesting things that happened when we actually opened up the question to our audience, is that everyone started talking about vg roots, uhm..and i had never really heard…
Dave Paine: oh man
Interviewer 1: about..I mean i had heard about vg roots, the the kinda retrospective video vg 20..uhm…and suddenly there’s all this chatter on the message-board, on our website about this video that I’ve never even heard of..so….I….don’t even know…
Dave Paine: I..I..I…didn’t make it!
Interviewer 2: Can i give some background?
Interviewer 1: Someone in the know has to..
Interviewer 2: OK – there’s this dude named Daniel Medovich, he’s on the be-mag message-board, y’ know, Roller News, errr..Rolling Edits, everything. He’s all over the internet. He’s even on other message-boards that are nothing to do with roller-blading…And I think he’s from Eastern Europe somewhere, Estonia or something. And this dude is legitimately, like legitimately crazy delusional.
He think, he thinks..ummm… that he was in a…ahh…a….underground, even more underground than vg already was, he thinks he was in a secret underground vg called vg roots, NOT vg 20, vg roots and he thinks that he had..ahh…I can’t remember if he thinks he had a profile or if he thinks he just had some tricks and he thinks he did a 630 farf newgin (?) and a bunch of other stuff, a bunch of amazing groundbreaking tricks…umm…back in the nineties. Aaand…this dude is legitimately like, he..he’s…he’s like..errrr…psychotic.. [unintelligible] ..psychotic, but he’s severely ..errr…deluded, in that he thinks, he thinks this happened, aaand the other thing is that he thinks that..umm…he thinks that he can’t remember filming the tricks or it actually happening because he has amnesia, and like, this sounds like something out of a movie plot, or..
Dave Paine: It is so true! It’s Alex explaining this right?
Interviewer 1: Yeah
Dave Paine: Good job on the set up by the way, fantastic
Interviewer 2: OK – and I’ll wrap it up here. So this dude’s nuts, he thinks this happened. He’s been trying to find this video. He searches all these rollerblading message-boards and everything online trying to find someone who has a copy of this video, which we know doesn’t exist, but he thinks it does, so…He offers people money, he’s had, y’know, people just send him a blank video tape and he’s paid them, they’ve ripped him off, and…he’s just psychotic. And …ahhh…I’m assuming, Dave, he’s been probably emailing you like crazy and trying to get in touch with you, i know he’s like, he’s called JC, or he’s emailed JC because he wants Chris Haffey’s phone number because he wants to call Chris Haffey cos he thinks Chris Haffey will have it, for some reason, or he thinks Chris Haffey can talk to you. The dude’s a psycho..
Dave Paine: It’s all true. It’s all true. everything Alex says is true
Interviewer 1: Tell us your experience.
Dave Paine: That’s the perfect introduction by the way, cos…I’m so happy you guys brought this up, because I’ve talked to this kid probably ten, twelve times whether it be email or aim, and i’ve been so nice, and so has Sean Tomlin – the poor man has been badgered as well. And Sean’s like “who is this kid, what’s he talking about?”, and he’s like….. y’know….. I always try and be nice, really nice to kids because I remember what is was like when i was trying to get on, and i don’t want to be the dude who made it now, and is now not going to give anyone the time of day cos that’s not cool, cos you forget where you came from. But, y’know, he tries your patience and I’ve never seen a more tenacious man, but…I…..let it go! It didn’t happen, and we’re all here trying to help you…please.
I…I….took every ounce of my body explaining it to him one day, I’m like “it didn’t happen my man, I made the videos, almost every single one of them”
Interviewer 1: What was his response? What did he say?
Dave Paine: He’s like “no no! I believe you but there’s still a video and i know i did it and I’m not crazy, everyone thinks I’m crazy”…And i just stayed the course, y’know…. “all I can do is tell you what i know. Y’know i would love to have this miraculous video and show it to you, but I don’t have it”…… Aaand, it wasn’t made…yeah…
[…] it is possible that he earned this money via his unique skillset acquired in years spent doggedly harassing rollerblade filmmakers, Dido’s record company and indeed any person unlucky enough to wander across his path as he […]