Revival – Episode 44 – Radio ProAm

Sep 19th 2007

Episode 44

Back once again and another show for you guys! This week we have a bunch of news and get some info on the AIL from Richie and Pam Velásquez. We have a new POTW – check that out. For this weeks show links click here.

Thanks as always to our sponsors Rat-Tail Distribution, Con-Artist Brand, UCON, Revolution Skateshop & ONE Magazine – Please help keep us rolling by subscribing on iTunes and support the supporters by checking them all out!

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14 Responses

  1. […] Новенький подкаст от RollingRevival, что-то ребята снизили обороты по выпуску. По данному эпизоду пока ничего сказать не могу – качаю. Более подробная информация здесь. […]

  2. […] Episode 44 of Rolling Revival was just put up. As always, check it out and subscribe to it on Itunes. On this episode the guests are Richie and Pam Velásquez. Once, again another great Rolling Revival, if you want check out their main page HERE. Or go directly to episode 44 HERE. […]

  3. baby wanker who know nuffin' says:

    can someone tell me how the hell podcasts work? do i need an ipod???? is podcast a video? can i just watch the vid on quicktime? where’s the vid?

  4. happy but not so happy says:

    you guys are really cool for what you are doing for the industry, but mainly al and who ever the american (english) speaking guy are nuts. You both analyze everything. you can take this as constructive criticism or me bashing you. i don’t care. ive seen your vid cast and most of them have been pretty cool. but what in the world makes you think you are any one to talk about getting free skates from rollerblade (thats what there are pros for to sample them out.) Al i think mentioned the new GC frames. You are nuts, i can’t wait to tell mac you even mentioned those. these guys spend countless dollars to keep their fresh product concealed and then your gonna go and even mention theres a next generation frame. and justify it if you want, by saying rumors are already out. Your show is a reliable source and now the GC will be the talk of the town. why didn’t you just post some pics. but then you probably would have negatively critiqued it before you even skated it. let alone bought it. And this guy doing the x games seems to be one of our top leaders in the sport right now. age doesn’t matter. what do you mean i hope our industry backs him up, “Some teenager”. the reason rollerblading is so jacked up right now is because there are ignorant immature people running it who have ruined it, by having to much pride to accept coorporate endorsements. And you guys aren’t even pro. I respect you all for your contributions but lay off the rest of the ones working day and night to turn this thing around. I thought that was your all s goal by creating this program, and then your gonna go and bash some guy getting us back into the x games. i know for sure youll never be credited for any helpling that cause. and i still don’t know who the other guy on the mic is other than al, but why are you making the crack on your co-host about the doughnuts and saying “only in your dreams al” when he said “if i did a back flip to sole”. what are you implying? real professional! and then, al makes the comment about jason stinsman’s back flip to sole, “oh yeah, but that was a shorter, steeper box” like it wasn’t good enough. “tapped it” come on man, stinsman was an innovator. and they didnt just realize they were wearing deshis, this is olis crew, im pretty sure most of them wear deshi. and to make it crystal clear mr. whoever, jeffs skating has progressed as well as the industry. good point al. i spoke with julio the other day, he was very happy to see the perspectives video post. once again awesome point al. ok i listened to the rest of the feed and i was impressed having pam and richie on the show was a great choice. i don’t appologize for my comments i made previously. you guys are two very influential people in the sport right now, i don’t think you realize how much information is started and continued because of your show. seriously at your next sit down together off air discuss rolling revival’s strength’s and weaknesses. i am not your boss but also an influential part of this sport, just have a little more dignity. now you know what it feels like to be analyzed. and the guy who sat back respectfully and made comments you could tell he thought out first. wonderful job. you understand what using your head is. This was supposed to be a team show and he was the only one who sat back let the others talk and boy did the one guy.

  5. Brad Anthony says:

    hey what’s up guys. my name is Brad Anthony, I am Team/Store manager for The Blue Wallace Skate Company. I just though I would write a quick comment about the segment. I noticed you had Pam and Richie on the show. Well, big things involving them, as you know about the AIL championships. Check out the Ollies photo set on their website. It show cases a few of our pro riders.(read below) If all things work out as planned myself as well as my team mates will be there to introduce the first major coorporate name to the industry. Rhino’s Energy drink. We have a vision at team Rhino to bring a new light into rolling with a lot of new and a little old. Our current roster sits as national and international pros: Michael Cole, Steven Tat, The Anthony Twins (Brad and Chad), Roger Langley, and John Ritter. These guys have been killing it for years and were recently in sponsorship deals with Red Bull. But a short time ago dropped red bull and are now officially signed as Team Rhino said to be “the biggest thing in Rolling history” Look for Rhino’s to soon hit a store near you and watch for their team at every major event starting in 2008. Also watch as the roster climbs to amazing amounts showcasing some of the biggest pros in the industry and the next up and coming pros and ams.

    -Brad Anthony
    The Blue Wallace Skate Company
    Team Rhino’s Energy Drink

  6. Ad®ian says:

    Hey Wanker,
    You don’t need an iPod, but you can use iTunes. Click on any of the buttons above the play button to subscribe to our Podcast via Odeo, PodNova, iTunes or Yahoo Podcasts.

  7. Ad®ian says:

    Dear Happy,

    I don’t even know where to start! Actually, I’d start with the faculty of Western Kentucky University. Sorry to hear English isn’t a prerequisite @ WKU.

    Thanks for calling us cool! I think you’ve affirmed something we’ve all believed for a long time but had a hard time justifying. Yes, we do have a tendency to analyze lot’s of things when it comes to rollerblading. It’s a horrible job, but somebody’s gotta do it. Thankfully we’re not completely ignorant. On the topic of getting free skates… why shouldn’t we get some? When Apple was ready to release the iPhone to the public, who were the first people they gave a phone to? That’s right, Journalists! Now, I’m not false enough to consider my contributions to a small Podcast to even come close to any form of Journalism. However, talk radio and newspapers do share a common vein, informing the uninformed. I received free skates to review when geekrolling was in full swing, and revival shouldn’t be any different. I won’t get into the whole new frame controversy… what I will say is “Stop Snitchin!”

    It’s funny that you Mention the XGames news that everyone seems to be following so closely. I received a very informative letter from young Shawn’s father, filling me in on how exactly he got this idea to contact ESPN. More on that next week. What I will say (as cliche as it sounds) is Mr. Martin’s letter made me realize we’re not thinking outside of the proverbial box. We being rollerbladers, the box being our industries media outlets. Please understand, we’re not bashing anyone (well, maybe you a little). Al, Tim and myself make a serious effort to provide all schools of thought on various topics regardless of what our personal opinion is. When Al mentions “people” he’s not talking about his own feelings. I think this is where confusion arises. We all read the message boards, and believe it or not, your (everyones) posts make it into the show. We try to be the voice of the community and when we say some skaters want to keep rollerblading underground, we’re expressing their sentiment accordingly, not necessarily ours.

    On our inherent ability to be assholes to one another… I love my co-hosts, that’s why I make fun of them.

  8. what!! says:

    Everyone go to the AIL! Its going to be so fun. I can’t wait!

  9. satisfied and humbled says:

    your right. i thought i was speaking for the masses. forgive me, i got frustrated. i didn’t understand why you would hate on your so-host. so i found problems and picked them out. do what your doing. keep rolling alive. don’t worry my friends have corrected me.

  10. Nick says:

    I always felt comment section and messageboards were never the place for petty squabbles, but I must say, this was handled pretty professionally on both parts.

  11. Tim says:

    I did’nt even see any of this happen. I think I will have a little read and catch up… oh and big videocast coming tomorrow!

  12. al dolega says:

    nobody liked my idea of the PANTS REPORT?!!

  13. Nick says:

    The pants report would be funny. It would give Be-Mag something to talk about.

  14. […] This last weekend was the AIL World Championships, held at Woodward West. The AIL contest series has been a spectacular success due in part to the efforts of many Professionals, Skaters and Parents dedicated to the competitive athleticism of our sport. The series is highlighted by the sheer number of talented skaters looking to compete and be recognized. I was incredibly happy to have the AIL contest directors, Pam and Richie on the last episode of Revival, explaining what they’ve learned from their experience and where the AIL is going in the future. Competition is an important, at times overlooked, aspect of rollerblading. For the average skater (like myself) skating is an act of freedom alongside a common aesthetic culture. For others however, contests are the proving grounds for the technicality and athleticism that drives us to new heights (no pun!). […]

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